Thursday, October 14, 2010

Pray for Sylvia Irena's Hip Surgery

Joel with Dora and Bekah with Sylvia

Dora (l) and Sylvia (
We have been wanting to post some new pictures of our granddaughters so you can see how God has been blessing them and helping them to grow!  They just turned 8 months old today and both of them showed us how they could crawl while we talked on Skype.  It was fun that they both seemed to notice us on the computer screen and even "talked" to us!  But, we found out that just today the doctor discovered that Sylvia has a dislocated left hip.  This is most likely a problem that she has had since birth, but was not detected by the normal screening exams that they do on babies.  An x-ray confirmed the diagnosis, and she is scheduled for surgery Thursday, October 14 at 9:30AM (Eastern).  She will be placed in a body cast for 4 months to make sure the hip, muscles, and ligaments surrounding her hip socket will heal properly.  Please pray for her safety during anesthesia, that God will guide the surgeon’s hands, and that she will have full recovery with no complications. This will be a challenge for her mommy and daddy.  Please keep Joel, Bekah, and sister Dora in your prayers too.

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