Monday, March 2, 2020

Discipleship Training Seminar

We praise God for all who participated in the Discipleship Training Seminar that took place February 29th! Three ni-Vanuatu pastors and all four missionaries worked together to translate into Bislama the materials that we received at our Asia Pacific Regional Conference in October. Pastors and leaders from all the Port Vila churches and two from the churches on Tanna attended the one-day training seminar. We are so excited to see how God will use this training to help us be disciples of Jesus who lead others to be disciples also! 

Pastor Gideon (upper left), Brother William, and Pastor Taku (lower right) listening 
as the Asia Pacific Regional Discipleship Model is discussed.

We had many break-out sessions to give all of us a chance to talk. 
Pastor Anthona (front left), Pastor Morison from Tanna (second row center) and Malo from Tanna (second row right) share with each other about how they each came to be followers of Jesus.

Pastor Meriam shared the concept of "Equipping" (Bislama - Mekemrere) 
and how important it is to help people grow in their understanding of God's Word.

Three of the presenters: Pastor David Naunga (left), his wife, Pastor Meriam (center) and Pastor Jenny Isaac (right). We all learned from each other! 
It turned out to be one of the hottest days of the year (notice the fans, electric and handheld)!

Pastor Aileen (right) and Pastor Metas (center back) discuss with their small group 
about what discipleship might look like for Women's Ministries. 

Please pray for our pastors and leaders to continue to grow as disciples, 
and that God would continue to lead our churches to be faithful in making disciples in the nation of Vanuatu.

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