Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Lunar Eclipse in the South Pacific

For the first time in our lives we had a chance to witness a total lunar eclipse!  We first noticed the moon when we stepped out of Black Sand Nazarene Church following the evening Bible study.  It was nearly 9:00PM, and the moon looked exceptionally bright, but part of it was missing and the missing part seemed to be growing.

We hurried home, hoping that clouds wouldn't move in to cover the skies.  We had an incredible view from our front yard as the moon turned the dark brownish red color that is evidenced in a total lunar eclipse.  The next morning when we got up for our walk, the moon was hanging in the west quite large and bright even though the sun had already begun to rise!

NYI Camp with Pastor Daniel

Pastor Daniel executing his illustration.
The six young men had no idea what they were chosen for before Pastor Daniel Latu selected them out of the more than 60 young people who had gathered at the Eluklom Nazarene Church for a 3-day NYI camp.  He seated them in a circle at the front of the church, and carefully showed each of them exactly how to sit in their chair.  Then, he had each of the lay back against the person beside them.  That’s when he announced that he was going to take away all their chairs one by one.  As he did, the six guys remained stable in their reclining position as if the chairs were still in place.  The illustration worked!!

There was no doubt, he had the attention of everyone!  Pastor Daniel went on to lead the group in understanding what they could learn from what they had just seen – trust and unity are essential elements in an effective NYI group.

The camp was held in the Eluklom Church of the Nazarene

He shared messages each day that challenged the youth to make a difference in the places where they live and to begin reaching out to their communities with whatever God had placed in their hands.

Some of the Vanuatu Nazarene Evangelism Team

After the Sunday service, pastors and church leaders met to talk about how to keep the fire for evangelism burning in their hearts.  They organized a team and called themselves the Vanuatu Nazarene Mission Team.  They made plans that day to organize revival services at each of the communities where the Nazarene church is located in Port Vila.