April 11th we flew to Kansas City! David's brother, Joe, and his wife Toni Sue were wonderful host and hostess during our stay there. We took our first tour of the Global Ministry Center and ran into lots of friends!
We made a long drive out west to Sublette, Kansas, to speak in the Sublette Church of the Nazarene and catch up with some of the Work and Witness team members who came to Vanuatu to help finish our house in July 2008. We flew back to our home base in Mount Vernon, Ohio, just in time to visit with friends from PNG days, the Berger family from Switzerland. They were in the US for vacation and took time to come see us!
Our first month has literally flown by as we've hopped and skipped across the United States! We arrived in the US on March 30th landing in Michigan for a few days on Sylvia's parents' farm. Our first service was the following Sunday at our home church in Coshocton, Ohio. We were able to meet our new pastor and stay for the evening presentation of the Easter musical, "Behold the Lamb." How good it felt to be home! We drove right back up to Michigan to see Sylvia's family for a few days and then over to Buffalo, New York, to visit Joel and Bekah in their home for Easter. Jeffrey and Wesley were able to come up for the weekend, as well as Bekah's brother, Tim. Bekah and Joel cooked up some great food for us. We also went out to Parkside Candies for fabulous ice cream sundaes! We all went to Niagara Falls one morning; the wind was a bit chilly, but we had a fun time together. In the evening on Good Friday, we worshipped together with the Amhearst COTN at the city rescue mission. The Liberian congregation also joined us and led in a beautiful time of worship.