Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Equipping Leaders for Service

David and Sylvia have been busy with lots of teaching!  SPNTC Vanuatu has been trying some different schedules to try to hit on something that is a good fit for both the students and the teachers.  In the past we have always taught the classes in a 2 week intensive block course with classes meeting Monday through Friday evenings for 3 1/2 hours.  This is a pretty tough pace for the teacher as well as for our students, many of whom have attended school only through the 6th grade.  This year we've tried a mix of the block course intensives with three terms of nine Saturdays where two classes are offered - one in the morning and a different one in the afternoon.  This makes it possible for us to offer a few more classes than the previous year, as well as, a little more time for the teacher to prepare and for the students to reflect on what they are learning.

David and Sylvia taught the first term of Saturday classes with Sylvia teaching Old Testament Survey and David taking Biblical Theology III.  That term finished on March 20th, just in time for Sylvia to join the CBHC team in Aniwa. 

David began the first 2 week intensive course for this year, offering New Testament Survey.  Pastor Kidhly from Aniwa flew into Port Vila to attend the course.  Wanting to make the most of his time, Sylvia is teaching him the Old Testament Survey class that he missed. 

Pastors Peter and Jenny will begin teaching at the end of April and will finish up their term in mid-June.  Please keep us in your prayers as we prepare pastors and lay leaders for ministry. 

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